Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Not happy

I'm not happy at all now. Should really get the problem solved instead of evading it. That thing had already gotten the best of me. Sorrow had conquered me. I can't do anything now. Should stop Playing RO, staring at the screen and hitting monsters alone only increase my sorrow. Great, now I'm feeling real emo. Tears may be dripping if I'm not controling it.

The burden had just gotten heavier day by day. I'm suffocating. It's too heavy now. What can I do to decrease it? Or even get it of for a secong or two. Never really knew that result waiting can be so torturous. I don't wanna face the MUET result. I may face agony if I did badly. I won't be extra happy even if I achieve my target. What's wrong with me now? I have no one to share my problems. I can only keep it for myself.

I can't let my life continue like this. I felt useless right now. Thought that I could really start my plans. I was wrong. I'm feeling real depress right now. Can't focus on anything. GET THE ISSUE DONE, YOU FREAK!!!!!! I'm not fixing the problem. I shouldn't chicken out at this vital moment. I will step up, face everything ASAP. No time to hesitate right now, let's hope that everything turns up good.

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